Local Church Ministries


The Adventures ministry is a wonderful fun active children program led by Jennifer Walker and Evangeline Dally.  This ministry focuses on getting kids active in nature, building crafts and fellowship that all teach the beautiful rich lesson of Jesus.  If you are looking for a ministry for your young family this is it!  Please fill out the form "I want to help or get more info" for more information.




Every week we meet the needs of those all over our community with food and house hold goods.  If you love to serve others we greatly need your help.  We serve in serval locations and no matter your ability we can use your help to help others. To get involved or from more information fill out form or Check out our Facebook page:






Do you love to grow things and build up people?  Then you will love this ministry.  We grow more than produce but we are planting the seeds of love, encouragement and service.   





Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8